Certifications for organic and sintered brake pads

Certifications for organic and sintered brake pads

ISO certification for Frenotecnica company’s system and product certifications ECE R 90 and ABE for sintered and organic brake pads

Frenotecnica, the company which owns the trademark Brenta, is certified for more than 15 years in accordance with ISO 9001:2008 and for all its organic and sintered brake pads it has KBA ABE certifications issued by TÜV Germany.

KBA certification:

Downlaod certification KBA Downlaod certification KBA This kind of certification is strongly related to the safety in the automotive sector.

Our Brake Pads are tested thanks to the experience of TÜV Germany, which measures their qualitative and technical characteristics.

How are the Brake Pads tested?

TÜV Germany developed several technical tests in its laboratories, passing then to the direct verification on Italian tracks.

There have been 5 motorbikes and all of them gave a surprisingly positive feedbacks as regard both the safety and the performance of the friction material.

What does the KBA certification mean?

This means that the produced materials observe rigorous parameters, this way permitting to be commercialized on the German market too.

The entire output is controlled by a third Institution, which gave us a specific code (ABE) to show the obtained certification (61244)

ISO 9001 certification:
Downlaod certification TUV Even the processes who lead to the Brenta products are proudly certified, after the controls made by TUV in every step.

Test in laboratory and the attention to specific organizational parameters permitted to the processes inside Frenotecnica to be rewarded with a quality mark.

We are constantly engaged in the improvement of our product and the previous entire process, in orderto fulfill the needs of our Customers, with a great relation quality/price, without forgetting the importance of the safety in the automotive sector.

Certificazioni ECE R 90:

Scarica certificazione ECE R 90

Frenotecnica is one of the few companies to have adopted also the ECE R 90 product certifications in the motorcycle sector.

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